Colorado College's Ed Robson Arena Welcomes the
GOAL High School Class of 2024 Graduation!
Here is some information to prepare you for your trip to the arena.
Graduates meet at Keller Family Entrance at 8:30am
Doors open for guests at 9am
Ceremony Begins at 10am
A detailed parking and entrance map can be found below.
Complimentary parking in attached garage is first-come, first-served. Attendees can enter the garage via Dale Street. Parking is limited and we suggest arriving early.
Lot opens at 8:30am (90 minutes prior to ceremony start). Must exit immediately following completion of ceremony.
There are 10 ADA spots located within the garage.
Additional street and city-metered parking spots are available around the Arena - west of Cascade Avenue, south of Dale Street, and east of Nevada Avenue. Visit the Downtown Parking guide for additional information. Guests will be responsible for finding their own parking when the garage reaches capacity.
There will be an ADA drop-off area next to the main entrance on Tejon St.
Attendees can enter through arena main entrance (corner of Cache la Poudre and Tejon Streets) or via the west concourse entrance within garage (closest is the 3rd floor of parking). Doors will open for spectators at 9am.
Tickets are not required for the ceremony.
Limited ADA and "no-step" seats are available around the Concourse level, and are first-come, first-served. In order to maximize availability, we ask that you reserve seats for the guest needing assistance and one companion.
The stairs are slightly steep so we suggest sitting at the top of a section if you have mobility concerns.
- The Club Level is open for GOAL faculty and guests only.
- A seat map can be found below.
Robson Arena has a clear bag policy. The full policy is below.
Bags must be clear or a small handheld cinch bag (smaller than 4.5" x 6.5"). Guests with bags that do not meet these guidelines will be required to return it to their car.
Diaper bags (accompanied with a child) or a bag with medical supplies will be admitted.
Outside food and beverages, including single use and reusable water bottles, are not permitted.
The following items that are common at graduations are not permitted:
Artificial noisemakers, including bells, megaphones, whistles and air horns.
Flowers are permitted, but cannot be in a glass vase.
Leis containing snacks or beverages.
Helium balloons.
Graduates should enter through the Keller Family Entrance, located at the northeast corner of the building at the corner of Cache la Poudre St. and Nevada Avenue. Non-graduates will not be permitted to enter the facility through this entrance.
If graduates park in the garage, they can enter through the west concourse entrance (even before doors open to the public). They will be directed to the gathering area. They can also walk around the building down down Nevada Ave.
All graduates must be checked in at the Keller Family Entrance gathering area no later than 8:30am.
Graduates with children are permitted to bring them on stage to accept their diploma and take photos. Children are not permitted to walk in/out of the ceremony or sit on the floor with the graduate. A diagram is below.
Entrances from the spectator seats to the floor are located on both sides of the stage near sections 113/114 and 107/108. The first row next to the stairs will be reserved for the child and accompanied guest.
Exits from the floor to the spectator seats are located on both sides of the stage near sections 102/103 and 118/119. The first row next to the stairs will be reserved for the accompanied guest to greet the child.
Please note that Colorado College is a smoke-free campus and smoking in the area surrounding the Arena is not permitted.
If you have any questions, please call (719) 389-7065.